Kwajalein Atoll
Unless otherwise specified, all photographs by Owen DeLong
Aerial view of Omelek looking East-South-East -- Photograph by Sharon Hurst
Aerial view of Omelek looking East -- Photograph by Sharon Hurst
Close in Aerial view of launch complex on Omelek -- Photograph by Sharon Hurst
Final approach to Kwajalein The gray building to the right of the radome is the SpaceX office.
Short final to Kwajalein. The SpaceX office in the right foreground, Carlson Island in the background.
Just before touchdown on Kwajalein -- Munitions bunkers in the foreground, SpaceX office in the background.
Interior of SpaceX Office. These positions are similar to mission control, but, are outside of the actual mission control room.
SpaceX Mission Control
The Server Room on Omelek (interior)
Exterior view of the Omelek Server Room (Instrumentation Bay)
Brandon and Sharon
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Branden Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near North Point
Underwater near Emon Beach
Ghost Shrimp near Emon Beach
Giant Clam near Emon Beach
Giant Clam near Emon Beach
Brain Coral near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Underwater near Emon Beach
Branden does Mask Removal Drill
Branden acts as donor for alternate air source ascent.
Sunset on Kwajalein
Sunset a few minutes later
Branden diving off Omelek
Underwater near Omelek
Ascending out of the water into the sunset is spectacular on Omelek